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Can crochet help ease stress and anxiety?

I’d like to preface this by saying that I am in no way qualified as a medical professional or therapist and all of the tips & information found in this post are solely based on my personal experience and things that have worked for me.

It’s been a little crazy recently and hobbies are more therapeutic now more than ever.

The past few months have been a little crazy around here, and most of the world. While some faced crazy work hours and stress, others found themselves with a lot more free time on their hands. Some businesses have shuttered their doors while others started anew. It is safe to say, a LOT has happened and changed. As always, with changes, come stress and anxiety. Humans in general do not like change and I can attest for myself that I don’t always handle change in the best way.

Throughout this pandemic, I have been finding ways to cope with my ever-growing anxiety. It started out with puzzles, practicing guitar, and binge-watching TV shows. It slowly turned into finding my old hobbies and getting back into them. One of those hobbies just so happened to be, you guessed it, CROCHET! I began crocheting again for the first time in about 8 years and fell right back into the rhythm of it all. Since then, I haven’t stopped and instead started YarnThrift and began to grow my little quarantine hobby into a branded business. However, despite this being a business for me it has also turned into a therapeutic exercise that has helped me keep my head on straight in these times.

Can crochet help ease anxiety?

Crochet has been known to have a calming effect due to its repetitive motions. Many people have turned to crochet to calm their anxieties, especially during these times. It is so easy to get lost in a good pattern for hours on end and forget about your worries. A great bonus – you can crochet while watching TV, riding along in the car, enjoying the outdoors, and more. I take my crochet with me pretty much everywhere and it has come in handy so many times.

After some research, I was inspired to crochet even more and start my own blog. I soon found that crocheting calmed me down a lot more than any of my other hobbies. The repetitive motion was soothing to me and gave me a good excuse for some peace and quiet or even busy work while I binge-watched my favorite shows. I started to take 1-2 hours after work every night to crochet and have some calm alone time. It was a great pre-sleep activity and was a good time away from screens. After about a week I found that I was a lot less anxious and stressed and was able to tone down my inner monologue. It’s been weeks since then and this has worked even more for me, plus, I’ve been able to design my own patterns and be inspired by others who crochet which has been even more motivational for me.

Other helpful ways to cope:

Another tactic I’ve found to be extremely helpful is starting a gratitude journal. A friend’s mother suggested this to me a few years back. Originally, I didn’t think much of it but let me tell you; it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Each night before bed I write down at least three things I’m grateful for that day, even if they are extremely small things. It has often helped me realize that even my bad days are never as bad as they are in my head. There are always things that have brought me happiness throughout the day and having a gratitude journal has helped me make those things more of a mental priority. I’m sure this might not work for everyone, but it’s an extremely quick and easy method to try out. The difference it has made in my daily routine is enormous compared to the effort it takes.

Another journaling method I have found helpful, for those with anxiety, is to purchase a journal specifically for anxiety. I have seen a few versions around and purchased one myself. These are more personalized and targeted at easing anxieties rather than being just an outlet for your feelings. They provide therapeutic ways to express your anxieties. These focus on using CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help with your anxiety rather than simply express it. Many will give room for entries on your feelings of anxiety; what you are currently feeling, how the situation arose, any themes you notice in your anxieties, and how you could handle the situation differently. Over time, this can help you to see patterns in your thought process and address them better by identifying them and working on more positive thinking. I have found this to be helpful when I struggle with thinking positively or identifying why I am struggling to be positive. Just like the seasons of nature change, I have found the seasons in my mind do as well, and identifying my “seasonal” themes or issues has helped tremendously.

Your well-being is always a top priority and making small changes to improve your daily life can have great impacts.

Although times are hard and complicated it’s important to prioritize overall well-being and mental health even more. It is so easy to get caught up in the media frenzy, differing opinions and facts and because of that, it is even more important that we take time for ourselves. I’ve reduced my screen time daily to allow myself more time to process events and news and time to think more deeply about subjects that deserve more of my attention. I have been reading more, educating myself on topics important to me, and finding new ways to ease my anxiety and dedicate more time to myself. Everyone has their own individual needs and finds different methods that work for them. I highly encourage you to find what works for you and take time to focus on yourself during these stressful times (and any time you may need it!) Even the smallest of changes in your daily routine can have large impacts on your overall well-being.

If you have been inspired to start your own quarantine hobby or gratitude journal there are some great links below to help you get started! I’ve included links to beginner crochet materials below to help get you started.

Beginner Crochet materials & journaling ideas:

Crochet Starter Materials: 

Gratitude Journal Ideas:

Anxiety Journal:

Wishing you and your family health & happiness during these times.

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