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Taking your own photos can be a bit daunting sometimes. The lighting, the background, the focus of the photo, etc. There can be a lot that goes into getting the perfect photo to post. One thing a lot of makers (myself, especially) don’t want to spend time on is finding the perfect photo props. We just want to focus on our products! When I first started out photographing my makes I was so clueless on what to include in my photos. I’m no expert now but I have accumulated some handy go-to photo props that are perfect to use and re-use and are affordable!

This list includes inexpensive craft store and online finds as well as props that you might even have at home already! Let’s go ahead and jump into the details.

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Blankets & Furs

Blankets are such an underrated photo background! I’ve even used my bedsheets to be honest and they work great. Blankets can provide a clear, plain background for your makes and add a bit of extra lush texture as well. I have used blankets I already had at home but also purchased this super cute white blanket from Amazon that has some fun fringe that’s great for photos.

Yarn, crochet hook and crochet make with a cup of coffee on top of a blanket.
You can find this blanket on Amazon here! Also featuring an introverts favorite mug you can check out here!

This blanket was perfect for my photos because it provided a plain background that would showcase both my work and props. As an added bonus it had the cutest fringe which added some great texture to the photo. You can grab one by clicking the photo or clicking here!

A great alternative to blankets and furs is a rug! We probably all have at least one rug in our houses and rugs can provide a great background to showcase your products.

Photo Backgrounds

Besides blankets, you can find a bunch of great backgrounds at the craft store or online. I bought this reversible background on Amazon and it has held up so well. This is one of my most-used props. You can grab this one or a similar one at the craft store or on Amazon here.

Crochet pattern and coffee cup on top of wooden background.

A great alternative to larger photo backgrounds or backdrops is scrapbook paper. Bonus: you can find a multi-pack of scrapbook paper in a theme matching your business colors or aesthetic so you have unlimited photo background options! This is an especially great option if you use a lightbox for your product photos.

Also check out:


There are SO many options for cute foreground props. These can be mugs, candles, the tools you use for your makes and more! My go-to’s are my tools (crochet hooks, yarn, etc.) and mugs. I collect mugs a little too obsessively and so I have some super cute ones to choose from. I also like to use the yarns that I’m currently working with along with the hook I’m using. These are not only great props but also great opportunities to highlight the other makers and businesses that you love and interact with daily.


Grab your favorite candle and have a relaxing evening on the couch crocheting! I can’t even tell you the amount of times I’ve used candles (even unlit) as props in my photos. Sometimes it’s nice to crochet with a good candle around and they’re great to add to your photos, especially if they match the color or aesthetic of your make or instagram feed.

Crochet prop, candle and scarf.
This candle is from Bath & Body Works because they are my fav but you can grab any candle or even highlight your favorite small candle business!


Some of the absolute best props you can include in your photos are the tools you use to create your products. For me, that means showcasing my yarn and hooks. This not only gives me a great photo layout but also gives me the opportunity to highlight my favorite brands & small businesses in the process.

These are two examples of times I used my crochet hooks as props. I always try to incorporate tools that match my color scheme for a photo, crochet garment or my instagram aesthetic. The hook on the left is a bamboo hook from Lion Brand and you can find it here. The custom hook shown on the right hand is one of my absolute favorites and is from a handmade hook small biz I love called My Darn Yarn. You can find the shop on Etsy here.


Last but certainly not least, a great photo prop for makers is a plant! You can choose seasonal plants or use fake plants from the craft store (this is my favorite option since I don’t have the greenest thumb). Below are some examples of plants I used. All of mine are from Michaels Stores. I love getting to go into the craft store and pick out these lil plant bbs one by one, it’s actually so fun.

There are so many wonderful and inexpensive props you can use for your photos. I’ve comprised a summarized list below of some of the items mentioned in this post that you can grab for yourself if you’ve been inspired!

Product Summary:

Have you tried any of these props for you photos? We’d love to see them! Comment below or tag us on social media @yarnthrift